李向楠 1987年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,中科院黑土区农业生态重点实验室副主任。从事小麦抗逆生理及品质调优方向的研究,特别围绕小麦抗低温及干旱胁迫生理机制、动植物共性激素作用机理及胁迫锻炼的跨代遗传机制开展研究。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文二十余篇,其中一区、二区论文超过十五篇,最高影响因子10.391,总影响因子超过90(2017年)。博士及博士后期间,参与多门欧盟课程授课,主持或参与多项丹麦及欧盟研究项目,是多个国际期刊编委及审稿人,并与丹麦、美国、斯洛伐克、匈牙利等多个研究单位建立了长期合作。
Li X, Brestic M, Tan D, Zivcak M, Zhu X, Liu S, Song F, Reiter RJ, Liu F, Melatonin alleviates low PS I limited carbon assimilation under elevated CO2 and enhances the cold tolerance of offsprings in chlorophyll b-deficient mutant wheat, Journal of Pineal Research, 2017, e12453.
Li X, Topbjerg H, Jiang D, Liu F, Drought priming at vegetative stage improves the antioxidant capacity and photosynthesis performance of wheat exposed to a short-term low temperature stress, Plant and Soil, 2015, 393, 307-318.
Li X, Jiang D, Liu F,Dynamics of amino acid carbon and nitrogen and relations to grain protein in wheat under elevated CO2 and soil warming, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 132, 121-129.
Li X, Tan D, Jiang D, Liu F, Melatonin enhances cold tolerance in drought primed wild type and ABA-deficient mutant barley, Journal of Pineal Research, 2016, 61, 328-339.
Li X, Liu F, 2016. Chapter 2 Drought stress memory and drought stress tolerance in plants: biochemical and molecular basis, In: Hossain M et al. (Ed.) Drought Tolerance in Plants, 17-44, Springer.