论文编号: |
论文题目: |
Quantitative assessment on basin-scale hydrological services of wetlands |
英文论文题目: |
Quantitative assessment on basin-scale hydrological services of wetlands |
第一作者: |
Wu, Yanfeng |
英文第一作者: |
Wu, Yanfeng |
联系作者: |
章光新 |
英文联系作者: |
G. X. Zhang |
外单位作者单位: |
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发表年度: |
2020 |
卷: |
63 |
期: |
2 |
页码: |
279-291 |
摘要: |
Despite recognizing the importance of hydrological function of wetlands, basin-scale wetlands services have rarely been investigated. The PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL modelling platform was used to quantitatively assess the impact of wetlands on quickflow and baseflow with paired simulation scenarios in Duobukuli River Basin, namely with wetlands and without wetlands. Simulation results showed that wetlands exert significant impact on basin hydrological processes by decreasing streamflow and altering streamflow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration and time of flow events). The intensity (significant or not) of wetlands influences on quickflow had daily, monthly and annual variation. Wetlands significantly attenuated quickflow during flood season while slightly support daily, monthly and annual baseflow. The average quickflow attenuation and baseflow support of wetlands were 5.89% and 0.83%, respectively. Although the intensity and effect (mitigation or augment) of wetlands on streamflow temporally varied at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual scales, wetland overall mitigated quickflow and augment baseflow in Duobukuli River Basin. Our results could provide insights for future decision-making for rehabilitation and conservation of wetlands as well as integrated basin water resources management. |
英文摘要: |
Despite recognizing the importance of hydrological function of wetlands, basin-scale wetlands services have rarely been investigated. The PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL modelling platform was used to quantitatively assess the impact of wetlands on quickflow and baseflow with paired simulation scenarios in Duobukuli River Basin, namely with wetlands and without wetlands. Simulation results showed that wetlands exert significant impact on basin hydrological processes by decreasing streamflow and altering streamflow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration and time of flow events). The intensity (significant or not) of wetlands influences on quickflow had daily, monthly and annual variation. Wetlands significantly attenuated quickflow during flood season while slightly support daily, monthly and annual baseflow. The average quickflow attenuation and baseflow support of wetlands were 5.89% and 0.83%, respectively. Although the intensity and effect (mitigation or augment) of wetlands on streamflow temporally varied at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual scales, wetland overall mitigated quickflow and augment baseflow in Duobukuli River Basin. Our results could provide insights for future decision-making for rehabilitation and conservation of wetlands as well as integrated basin water resources management. |
刊物名称: |
Science China-Earth Sciences |
英文刊物名称: |
Science China-Earth Sciences |
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参与作者: |
Y. F. Wu, G. X. Zhang and A. N. Rousseau |
英文参与作者: |
Y. F. Wu, G. X. Zhang and A. N. Rousseau |