论文编号: |
论文题目: |
Research Advances of Beneficial Microbiota Associated with Crop Plants |
英文论文题目: |
Research Advances of Beneficial Microbiota Associated with Crop Plants |
第一作者: |
田磊 |
英文第一作者: |
L. Tian |
联系作者: |
田春杰,Tran, LSP |
英文联系作者: |
C. J. Tian,Tran, LSP |
外单位作者单位: |
英文外单位作者单位: |
发表年度: |
2020 |
卷: |
21 |
期: |
5 |
页码: |
摘要: |
Plants are associated with hundreds of thousands of microbes that are present outside on the surfaces or colonizing inside plant organs, such as leaves and roots. Plant-associated microbiota plays a vital role in regulating various biological processes and affects a wide range of traits involved in plant growth and development, as well as plant responses to adverse environmental conditions. An increasing number of studies have illustrated the important role of microbiota in crop plant growth and environmental stress resistance, which overall assists agricultural sustainability. Beneficial bacteria and fungi have been isolated and applied, which show potential applications in the improvement of agricultural technologies, as well as plant growth promotion and stress resistance, which all lead to enhanced crop yields. The symbioses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobia and Frankia species with their host plants have been intensively studied to provide mechanistic insights into the mutual beneficial relationship of plant-microbe interactions. With the advances in second generation sequencing and omic technologies, a number of important mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions have been unraveled. However, the associations of microbes with their host plants are more complicated than expected, and many questions remain without proper answers. These include the influence of microbiota on the allelochemical effect caused by one plant upon another via the production of chemical compounds, or how the monoculture of crops influences their rhizosphere microbial community and diversity, which in turn affects the crop growth and responses to environmental stresses. In this review, first, we systematically illustrate the impacts of beneficial microbiota, particularly beneficial bacteria and fungi on crop plant growth and development and, then, discuss the correlations between the beneficial microbiota and their host plants. Finally, we provide some perspectives for future studies on plant-microbe interactions. |
英文摘要: |
Plants are associated with hundreds of thousands of microbes that are present outside on the surfaces or colonizing inside plant organs, such as leaves and roots. Plant-associated microbiota plays a vital role in regulating various biological processes and affects a wide range of traits involved in plant growth and development, as well as plant responses to adverse environmental conditions. An increasing number of studies have illustrated the important role of microbiota in crop plant growth and environmental stress resistance, which overall assists agricultural sustainability. Beneficial bacteria and fungi have been isolated and applied, which show potential applications in the improvement of agricultural technologies, as well as plant growth promotion and stress resistance, which all lead to enhanced crop yields. The symbioses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobia and Frankia species with their host plants have been intensively studied to provide mechanistic insights into the mutual beneficial relationship of plant-microbe interactions. With the advances in second generation sequencing and omic technologies, a number of important mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions have been unraveled. However, the associations of microbes with their host plants are more complicated than expected, and many questions remain without proper answers. These include the influence of microbiota on the allelochemical effect caused by one plant upon another via the production of chemical compounds, or how the monoculture of crops influences their rhizosphere microbial community and diversity, which in turn affects the crop growth and responses to environmental stresses. In this review, first, we systematically illustrate the impacts of beneficial microbiota, particularly beneficial bacteria and fungi on crop plant growth and development and, then, discuss the correlations between the beneficial microbiota and their host plants. Finally, we provide some perspectives for future studies on plant-microbe interactions. |
刊物名称: |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
英文刊物名称: |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
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第一作者所在部门: |
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参与作者: |
L. Tian, X. L. Lin, J. Tian, L. Ji, Y. L. Chen, L. S. P. Tran and C. J. Tian |
英文参与作者: |
L. Tian, X. L. Lin, J. Tian, L. Ji, Y. L. Chen, L. S. P. Tran and C. J. Tian |