论文编号: |
论文题目: |
Interpopulation variation in germination response to fire-related cues and after-ripening in seeds of the evergreen perennial Anigozanthos flavidus (Haemodoraceae) |
英文论文题目: |
Interpopulation variation in germination response to fire-related cues and after-ripening in seeds of the evergreen perennial Anigozanthos flavidus (Haemodoraceae) |
第一作者: |
马红媛 |
英文第一作者: |
Ma, HY |
联系作者: |
马红媛 |
英文联系作者: |
Ma, HY |
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发表年度: |
2020 |
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期: |
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摘要: |
Variations in the degree of seed dormancy expressed among conspecific populations provide a basis for improving understanding of the mechanisms controlling species persistence, especially in fire-prone ecosystems. We investigated seed germination of 12Anigozanthos flaviduspopulations in response to various fire-related cues that included exposure to karrikinolide, glyceronitrile and smoke water at five temperatures, and the effects of heat shock and its interaction with glyceronitrile. Seeds from populations with deep-degree dormancy (DD) and light-degree dormancy (LD) were subjected to 0-8 months of after-ripening, and the viability of the ungerminated seeds was tested. The degree of seed dormancy and responses to fire-related cues were highly variable among populations. Glyceronitrile and smoke water significantly improved germination in 12 and 8 populations respectively. Heat significantly enhanced germination in all populations, but was less effective when combined with glyceronitrile. After-ripening for 3 months increased germination, whereas >= 4 months led to secondary dormancy or loss of viability. Loss of viability was greater for DD than for LD seeds. Interpopulation variations in the degree of seed dormancy, seed germination requirements for fire-related cues and germination viability in response to after-ripening inA.flaviduscontribute to persistence in the variable and unpredictable Mediterranean environment. |
英文摘要: |
Variations in the degree of seed dormancy expressed among conspecific populations provide a basis for improving understanding of the mechanisms controlling species persistence, especially in fire-prone ecosystems. We investigated seed germination of 12Anigozanthos flaviduspopulations in response to various fire-related cues that included exposure to karrikinolide, glyceronitrile and smoke water at five temperatures, and the effects of heat shock and its interaction with glyceronitrile. Seeds from populations with deep-degree dormancy (DD) and light-degree dormancy (LD) were subjected to 0-8 months of after-ripening, and the viability of the ungerminated seeds was tested. The degree of seed dormancy and responses to fire-related cues were highly variable among populations. Glyceronitrile and smoke water significantly improved germination in 12 and 8 populations respectively. Heat significantly enhanced germination in all populations, but was less effective when combined with glyceronitrile. After-ripening for 3 months increased germination, whereas >= 4 months led to secondary dormancy or loss of viability. Loss of viability was greater for DD than for LD seeds. Interpopulation variations in the degree of seed dormancy, seed germination requirements for fire-related cues and germination viability in response to after-ripening inA.flaviduscontribute to persistence in the variable and unpredictable Mediterranean environment. |
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参与作者: |
Erickson, Todd E.;Walck, Jeffrey L.;Merritt, David J. |
英文参与作者: |
Erickson, Todd E.;Walck, Jeffrey L.;Merritt, David J. |