论文编号: |
论文题目: |
Soil dissolved organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems: Global budget, spatial distribution and controls |
英文论文题目: |
Soil dissolved organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems: Global budget, spatial distribution and controls |
第一作者: |
Guo, Ziyu |
英文第一作者: |
Guo, Ziyu |
联系作者: |
Wang, Yihui,徐晓峰 |
英文联系作者: |
Wang, Yihui,X. F. Xu |
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英文外单位作者单位: |
发表年度: |
2020 |
卷: |
期: |
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摘要: |
Aims Soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a primary form of labile carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, and therefore plays a vital role in soil carbon cycling. This study aims to quantify the budgets of soil DOC at biome and global levels and to examine the variations in soil DOC and their environmental controls. Location Global. Time period 1981-2019. Methods We compiled a global dataset and analysed the concentration and distribution of DOC across 10 biomes. Results Large variations in DOC are found among biomes across space and the soil DOC concentration declines exponentially along soil depths. Tundra has the highest soil DOC concentration in 0-30 cm soils [453.75 (95% confidence interval: 324.95-633.5) mg/kg], whereas tropical and temperate forests have relatively lower DOC concentrations, ranging from 30.20 (24.78-36.80) to 54.54 (49.77-59.77) mg/kg. DOC generally accounts for < 1% of total organic carbon in soils, and DOC in 0-30 cm contributes more than half of the total DOC in the 0-100 cm soil profile. Furthermore, variations in DOC are primarily controlled by soil texture, moisture, and total organic carbon. Main conclusions A global synthesis is combined with an empirical model to extrapolate the DOC concentration along soil profiles across the globe, and global budgets of DOC are estimated as 7.20 Pg C in the top 0-30 cm and 12.97 Pg C in the 0-100 cm soil profile, respectively, with a considerable variation among biomes. The strong soil texture control but weak total organic carbon (TOC) control on DOC variations suggest that the investigation of physical protection of soil organic carbon might need to expand to consider the labile C in soils. The global maps of DOC concentration serve as a benchmark for validating land surface models in estimating carbon storage in soils. |
英文摘要: |
Aims Soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a primary form of labile carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, and therefore plays a vital role in soil carbon cycling. This study aims to quantify the budgets of soil DOC at biome and global levels and to examine the variations in soil DOC and their environmental controls. Location Global. Time period 1981-2019. Methods We compiled a global dataset and analysed the concentration and distribution of DOC across 10 biomes. Results Large variations in DOC are found among biomes across space and the soil DOC concentration declines exponentially along soil depths. Tundra has the highest soil DOC concentration in 0-30 cm soils [453.75 (95% confidence interval: 324.95-633.5) mg/kg], whereas tropical and temperate forests have relatively lower DOC concentrations, ranging from 30.20 (24.78-36.80) to 54.54 (49.77-59.77) mg/kg. DOC generally accounts for < 1% of total organic carbon in soils, and DOC in 0-30 cm contributes more than half of the total DOC in the 0-100 cm soil profile. Furthermore, variations in DOC are primarily controlled by soil texture, moisture, and total organic carbon. Main conclusions A global synthesis is combined with an empirical model to extrapolate the DOC concentration along soil profiles across the globe, and global budgets of DOC are estimated as 7.20 Pg C in the top 0-30 cm and 12.97 Pg C in the 0-100 cm soil profile, respectively, with a considerable variation among biomes. The strong soil texture control but weak total organic carbon (TOC) control on DOC variations suggest that the investigation of physical protection of soil organic carbon might need to expand to consider the labile C in soils. The global maps of DOC concentration serve as a benchmark for validating land surface models in estimating carbon storage in soils. |
刊物名称: |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
英文刊物名称: |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
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参与作者: |
Z. Y. Guo, Y. H. Wang, Z. M. Wan, Y. J. Zuo, L. Y. He, D. Li, F. H. Yuan, N. N. Wang, J. Z. Liu, Y. Y. Song, C. C. Song and X. F. Xu |
英文参与作者: |
Z. Y. Guo, Y. H. Wang, Z. M. Wan, Y. J. Zuo, L. Y. He, D. Li, F. H. Yuan, N. N. Wang, J. Z. Liu, Y. Y. Song, C. C. Song and X. F. Xu |